Kelly Ocasio, Ph.D

Kelly Ocasio, Ph.D

Kelly Ocasio, Ph.D, is a coach, educator, facilitator, and relationship-builder who utilizes a systems lens to enact transformational change. Driven by a mission to radically shift school structures, cultures, and practices toward equity and justice for our most marginalized students, Kelly enacts systemic change through embedding principles of collective impact and working with individuals and communities. She believes that social change happens through people and through relationships. She supports educators and leaders through raising awareness, unpacking intersecting identities and the biases we hold, recognizing the ways in which dominant cultural values manifest within ourselves and our organizations, and building the knowledge, skills, and mindsets necessary to eradicate injustice and center equity.

Kelly holds a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and Spanish from the University of Wisconsin – Madison; a Master of Education degree in Educational Leadership & Policy Studies from the University of Texas at San Antonio; and a joint Ph.D. in Curriculum & Instruction and Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Her research focuses on diversification of the teacher workforce and exploring ways to strengthen the Latinx educator pipeline.

For more information, please see the Amplify Equity website.

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