The Hogg Foundation for Mental Health Declaration of Racism as a Mental Health Crisis


The Hogg Foundation for Mental Health Declaration of Racism as a Mental Health Crisis

An Open Letter Shared from the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is one of the core values of the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health. We acknowledge the impact of racism, sexism, and other structural oppressions on mental health, and speak out against these oppressions even when it is challenging to do so. What follows is a statement...[ read more ]

Tips for Celebrating Black History Month within Your Organization

THE BEGINNINGS OF BLACK HISTORY MONTH American historian Carter G. Woodson established Black History Week in 1926 to honor and celebrate the contributions made by people of African descent. For approximately 50 years, the second week of February was reserved for this celebration. It coincided with the birthdays of abolitionist/editor Frederick Douglass and President Abraham Lincoln, who supported the 13th amendment to the...[ read more ]

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